Building the Internet of Things – Testimate @ Nordic IoT Week
17.4.20194.-6.6.2019Manufacturing Performance Days 2019
2.6.2019This year, the Industry Summit event, held in mid-May in Oulu, had a “Smarter and greener industry” theme. Climate change was one of the repeated themes in the presentations and keynotes.
The event brought together various influencers, experts, investors and other business growth accelerators. Testimate was at the event to share its expertise in software testing.
Oulu puts key themes on the map
Following the opening words by Päivi Laajala, the Mayor of Oulu, the first speaker was “Finland’s most popular keynote speaker” Ilkka Halava. Halava’s thought-provoking message reminded the audience on the importance of systemic change. If humankind wants to ensure its living environment and society, the work must be started immediately. There is no silver bullet – the solutions must be build step by step with determined and constructive cooperation.
The seminar programme after the keynote focused on how the necessary development steps can be taken. For example, the circular economy was discussed from a business perspective and corporate funding was viewed from a greener point of view. In fact, a separate circular economy seminar was held on the first event day, with discussions on changes in legislation, the role of plastics and, naturally, the latest technological innovations.
Testimate thinks it is great that Oulu is taking an active role in highlighting globally important themes. Sustainable development is an essential future development track. Testimate, too, has its own employee guidelines for minimizing the company’s environmental footprint.
Software testing – a tool against climate change?
What does software testing and fighting the climate change have in common?
Smart technology holds a critical role in building tomorrow’s society. Digitalization, process improvement, enabling circular and sharing economies – all these are essential developments in the years and decades to come.
In addition to environmental impacts, digitalization aims at improving the competetiveness and profitability of businesses and making the lives of everyday people better. Much of this change is built on software and algorithms.
In turn, software testing is present wherever software is being developed. On a basic level, testing ensures that services keep running and that information is routed correctly in an IoT environment, for example. In addition, professional testing reveals potential bottlenecks in scalable systems and ensures that these services are utilized to their fullest potential. Software development and testing go always hand in hand and together make changing the future possible.
Do you want to be part of Testimate’s team? Want us to make sure your software works as planned? See our contact details and get in touch today!