Agile software development makes it possible to add new features to software products quickly and continuously. This, in turn, enables those involved in the development to experiment and build services that meet the end user’s needs efficiently.
An agile development team also includes a professional in agile testing. The fast-paced process demands expertise and versatility from the tester. Potential errors and issues must be found quickly, and any needs for corrections must be communicated to the other members of the development team immediately.
We have years of experience in using methods and tools such as scrum, Kanban, Lean, CI, Jenkin and Jira. Does your team have a professional tester yet?
Testing in an agile project

Tasks of an agile tester:
- Planning and implementing the testing of new features
- Regression testing of old features with test automation, where necessary
- Incorporating a general quality assurance perspective into the development work
- Investigative testing during the development sprints
- Writing and maintaining test scripts
- End-to-end and performance testing of the full system before release
Why agile projects need a professional tester?
The testing expert ensures overall quality
Your projects involves a main architect, service designer, frontend or backend coder and database specialist. Which one of them is responsible for all-encompassing quality assurance?
Developers get more time for actual coding
Developers like to code, not spend time testing things. Testers like to test, not spend valuable time on coding. When everyone can focus on their own core expertise, the work progresses efficiently and produces high-quality results.
Immediate feedback on bugs to the developer
It makes a huge difference if a bug is found immediately or a few weeks later when the new release is being prepared for production. Bugs are faster and cheaper to fix when the code to be optimised is fresh.
More accurate requirement specifications
The testing professional helps the product owner or other business representative specify the development needs more accurately during the design phase. This way, many potential bugs can be squashed early in the process.