Robotic process automation increases the efficiency of your operations
Robotic process automation can be used to automate regular work tasks performed by people. Assigning routine tasks to a bot saves time and money, and frees up your experts for more meaningful work.
Robotic process automation (RPA) refers to applications that replicate the work tasks carried out by people via a particular interface. A bot taught how to perform the corresponding tasks can help the human workers in question perform more efficiently or replace them entirely.
Suitable uses of RPA
Robotic solutions are particularly well-suited to frequent repetitive tasks that take up a lot of staff hours:
Since the software robot uses the same computer-screen interface as the human worker, the application being used does not need to be changed. What this means is that software robots are generally compatible with all systems, even older ones.
How to get started with RPA
It is a good idea to take care in assessing and planning the commissioning of a software robot, since an initial investment is always required and the benefits gained must be sufficient. That being said, the benefits can usually be assessed fairly accurately at an early stage.
Here is how we will help you commission your bot:
1. Situation assessment
We help you identify the work tasks that a software robot and calculate the benefits the bot will provide.
2. Selecting the right software
There are many commercial RPA solutions on the market. The optimal solution depends on your needs.
3. Modelling
The requisite tasks are taught to the robot by modelling the relevant employee’s work phases carefully.
4. Testing
The robot's functionality is tested carefully with a sufficient number of test cases, including a variety of discrepancies.
5. Putting the bot to work
Once everything is ready, the robot “rolls up its sleeves” and gets to work. In the pilot phase, faults are responded to quickly and the bot is taught to resolve them.
Testimate offers the following RPA services:
Training and consulting
Software selection
Work task modelling
Implementing the robotics
Testing the robotics
Robotic process automation benefits
Speed and accuracy
A software robot works really fast and without errors, no matter what time it is. You can schedule routine tasks to be done over the night, for example.
Free up experts' time
When the robot takes over routines from humans, the expert can focus on the more challenging and interesting tasks.
Cost-efficient alternative
Automation benefits in terms of saved time and costs can be evaluated early on with high accuracy. A well-planned software robot is a safe investment.
We support Robot Framework Foundation
Robot Framework is a popular open source tool for test automation and robotic process automation. Testimate supports the tools development.